Subj : Re: book: the chaos machi
To   : MRO
From : hollowone
Date : Wed Mar 29 2023 11:57 am

MR> on instagram all posts have comments pretty much.
MR> unless they are just personal posts that nobody follows.

I find Instagram very womanish.. My wife loves Instagram, she follows some nonsense people who like to be celebrities, yet when I hear their stories... presumably success stories.. then I find them cheap and shallow.

I try to skip all those conversations about commenting the instagram stories at the table as quickly as possible, without offending my significant other.

But I also find this is super addictive to her, albeit all I see is just meaningless scrolling.

But what can I do.. I must give 1 point to FB and the score is 1:2 in my household, so we're still winning. If I only could include the dog.. it'd be 1:3 then.... :>


... Xerox Alto was the thing. Anything after we use is just a copy.