Subj : Re: ..the End of Targeted
To   : MRO
From : Nightfox
Date : Fri Feb 24 2023 10:20 pm

 Re: Re: ..the End of Targeted
 By: MRO to esc on Fri Feb 24 2023 10:35 pm

MR> answer me this: since facebook is full of young people who
MR> want to make the world such a great place, why don't they hire women?

MR> why is it mostly white males?
MR> those are facts.

I'm not too familiar with Facebook's hiring policies, but I've been working as a software developer since 2003, and the whole industry is fairly male-dominated (at least, in the US).  I doubt Facebook just doesn't hire women; it just seems that there are few women in the US who decide to go into tech jobs.  I did work for one very large (multi-national) tech company and they did have women developers and engineers working there - but many of them were from other countries (mainly India or China).


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