Subj : Re: ..the End of Targeted
To   : esc
From : Brokenmind
Date : Fri Feb 24 2023 10:13 pm

 Re: Re: ..the End of Targeted
 By: esc to MRO on Thu Feb 23 2023 12:25 am

MR>> they did all this stuff because they cared?
es> Yes, they did. Who do you think works there? The people Facebook hires are
es> those smart college kids that want to "make the world a better place".
es> Their entire pitch and mission with recruiting is connecting people. There
es> aren't these evil boogeymen people writing lines of code like you seem to
es> think.

Yes smart indoctrinated college kids i'm sure.... I'm not going to say they are all like this but for some of the stuff Facebook , Twitter , Youtube and other Social Media Platforms have been doing....
all indoctrinated but i'm sure a lot of them are.


� Synchronet