Subj : Re: ..the End of Targeted
To   : esc
From : MRO
Date : Fri Feb 24 2023 01:12 pm

 Re: Re: ..the End of Targeted
 By: esc to MRO on Thu Feb 23 2023 09:30 pm

>  MR> they've also manipulated information on covid, the covid vaccine and
>  MR> they've tried to manipulate the presidential election.  those are all
>  MR> facts. ---
> False. Anyway I'm done arguing, it's not going to do any good, not like I'll
> convince you of anything even if I'm the most persuasive person alive.

i'm not arguing.

but i'm not also going to waste a lot of time here dumping links. people often attack the links if they arent cnn or whatever.

I'm not a liar and i've demonstrated that i have an excellent memory with things i read.

I have no horse in this race, so why would i lie.

It's a fact that facebook has been taken to trial in the  past and they have lost several times.  It's because of how they treat and misuse their user's information.

they obviously have been manipulating their userbase in every aspect. they want them to follow a certain mindset and they want them to follow facebook's agenda which in the end are about generating profit.

facebook is an evil company.  twitter was an evil company.
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