Subj : Re: ..the End of Targeted
To   : esc
From : MRO
Date : Thu Feb 23 2023 06:51 pm

 Re: Re: ..the End of Targeted
 By: esc to MRO on Thu Feb 23 2023 12:25 am

>  MR> i'm pretty sure it's been out there for quite some time.
> Care to find some proof? All I found was salacious articles, none of which
> appear to come from any trusted news source.

they had programs for education on covid and they partnered with twitter and facebook.
you won't find something out right as 'here's 50million dollars to ban people that say this', and they didn't need to.  once they got the money they knew what to do.

> Yes, they did. Who do you think works there? The people Facebook hires are
> those smart college kids that want to "make the world a better place". Their
> entire pitch and mission with recruiting is connecting people. There aren't
> these evil boogeymen people writing lines of code like you seem to think.

you're just believing the hype.
look up how many times facebook/meta has been sued from multiple countries and what for.

facebook is ran by an amoral person who want's to take over everything.
their workers are mostly white, mostly male.  recently their technical employees have had a huge steer towards asian males, when before it was mostly white like everything else.

60% of fb employees are outside of the usa.

i guess the avg age is 28.  are these people hipsters who want to change the world and make it a better place? i dout it.

if they were really cool college kids who play foosball in their breakroom and want the world to be better, don't you think they'd hire some more fucking women atleast?
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