Subj : Re: ..the End of Targeted
To   : esc
From : Arelor
Date : Thu Feb 23 2023 06:38 am

 Re: Re: ..the End of Targeted
 By: esc to Arelor on Wed Feb 22 2023 06:56 pm

>  Ar> abusive corporative behavior that is not very different from Facebook s
>  Ar> here, but somehow Facebook gets a free pass? They cannot have it both
>  Ar> ways. If governments should interfere to prevent abusive prices for
>  Ar> phone subscriptions (which are opt-in) then you cannot defend Facebook
>  Ar> is a legit company being victimized by the evil governments of doom.
> Interesting perspective, but a phone is basically a critical need in this da
> ee to disagree I suppose.

Phone isn't critical for a whole lot of people, and online presence is critical
for a number of job positions.

If I were a positive rights proponent, it would be inconsistent for me to
defend I am entitled to a phone line because I use it to talk to friends but I
am not entitled to online pressence (which I use to make a living).

If I belonged to the Das Kapital brigade my next step would be to equate online
presence to phone ussage. Keep in mind Internet access is classified as a human
right around here. Since online presence would be a right then the government,
aka The People, has the duty to ensure online presence providers act in the
best interests of the common folks, and if they don't outright seize them.

Let's be clear about this. Facebooks business model is shady as fuck. It
consits of offering free services to people who does not read the contract and
knows not what the hell they are signing in for. The tech people here knows but
most people has no fucking clue. When it happens with a finantial institution
selling finantial products to grandpas who don't know better, people screams
bloody murder, but why would Facebook get a pass? Hell, it is so broken that
even free market capitalists would think twice before declaring Facebook to be
clean wheat.

So yeah, Facebook has the right to operate their current business model, no
matter I dislike it -that is what freedom lovers do: recognize other people's
right to do things we dislike- but it is so borderline evil that rightwingers
should be wery and left-wingers should put it in their hatelist right now.


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