Subj : Re: ..the End of Targeted
To   : Arelor
From : esc
Date : Wed Feb 22 2023 06:49 pm

Ar> Maybe your political party has protecting group A from group B (which is
Ar> really, really messing up with group A). Group A is attacked one day by
Ar> group B, you release an statement in support of A, condemn the attack,
Ar> phone the representatives of group A to show them support...
Ar> ... and group A tells you to eat shit and die because you are a fascist
Ar> communist (what usually happens is some other political party has bought
Ar> them)

You're in Spain, I think? Correct me if I'm wrong. But man if those two paragraphs don't sum up the way I feel about politics in the US these days. ugh...

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