Subj : oldtimes
To   : MRO
From : DaiTengu
Date : Sat Jan 21 2023 06:28 pm

 Re: oldtimes
 By: MRO to Tim on Thu Jan 19 2023 09:01 am

MR> i was talking about this before and that belly guy got raging mad at me.
MR> if you keep electronics stuff in your basement, run a dehumidifyer.

MR> i had an i5 in my basement and it won't power up. i cracked it open and
MR> looks fine. but my basement is a humid environment and not a good place to
MR> store electronics. i would suggest keeping it in a sealed tub with some
MR> moisture absorbing material inside if you want to do that stuff.

It's been quite awhile since I powered up the C64, I don't have any kind of screen to connect it to.  That said, my office is in my basement, and the storage room is behind that. It also contains a multitude of servers and computers that are currently running.

It doesn't get very humid down here, but I do have a dehumidifier "just in case" (I get the occasional leak between the wall and the floor when we get a large amount of rain. it helps dry things out quickly and keeps any kind of mold/fungus at bay).


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