Subj : Resurgence of non-mainstr
To   : Boraxman
From : Kaelon
Date : Wed May 04 2022 10:57 am

 Re: Resurgence of non-mainstr
 By: Boraxman to Kaelon on Wed May 04 2022 08:41 pm

> That is such a shame...  I've moved away from proprietary software and
> propreitary formats, to storing important data in as an accessible format as
> you can.  Plain text, or markup, or some schema that is still plain text
> (ie, XML or even an Emacs ORG mode file).
> You may lose the software which manages it, but a text editor can still
> reveal the data.

I love this, and it's so true.  I have a lot of WordPerfect 5.1 documents that, fortunately, I can still read on DOSBox, but if I just save them in standard plain text, I'll at least never have to worry about having to access that content through an interpreter that may, for all we know, suddenly stop working in some not-so-distant future.
-=: Kaelon :=-

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