Subj : Resurgence of non-mainstr
To   : Boraxman
From : Nightfox
Date : Tue May 03 2022 12:45 pm

 Re: Resurgence of non-mainstr
 By: Boraxman to Kaelon on Tue May 03 2022 06:34 pm

Bo> I still have some data from the 90s and 2000's, but most people I would
Bo> wager, don't, and if they do, it is lost, obscure, opaque. Look at all the
Bo> BBS's that existed in the 80's and 90's, how many of those are now lost
Bo> forever?

When I took my original BBS down in 2000, I burned a backup of it onto a CD-R.  Last I checked (just a few years ago), that CD-R is still readable.


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