Subj : Re: Resurgence of non-mainstr
To   : Boraxman
From : poindexter FORTRAN
Date : Tue May 03 2022 08:30 am

-=> Boraxman wrote to Kaelon <=-

Ka> I love this practice, and genuinely, wish I would adopt it more often
Ka> myself. Of course, the loss of Geocities was tremendous because
Ka> virtually all of those sites were filled with really interesting
Ka> information from amateurs and professionals alike. True subject matter
Ka> experts are passionate and know their topics really well, and when you
Ka> see them provide insight, it's a joy to read and review. is a good starting point, they have a great UI, free plans,
and you can export your data to your self-hosted wordpress instance when
you're ready.

I've captured information for posterity, shared photos, and written a FAQ
that are all hosted on a site I started in 2000.

Bo> I still have some data from the 90s and 2000's, but most people I would
Bo> wager, don't, and if they do, it is lost, obscure, opaque.  Look at all
Bo> the BBS's that existed in the 80's and 90's, how many of those are now
Bo> lost forever?

I so wish I spent more money on data storage back in the 90s and kept better
backups. As it is, I have a backup from 1994 and 1999, and that's it.

Bo> --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
Bo>    Synchronet   MS & RD BBs -

... A journey of a thousand sandwiches begins with a single cut.
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