Subj : Resurgence of non-mainstr
To   : Dr. What
From : MRO
Date : Fri Apr 29 2022 08:23 am

 Re: Resurgence of non-mainstr
 By: Dr. What to Nightfox on Fri Apr 29 2022 08:07 am

> -=> Nightfox wrote to Sam Alexander <=-
>  Ni> What are these non-mainstream social media platforms you speak of?  I
>  Ni> thought most people had moved to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.  I
>  Ni> didn't think  others such as MySpace, LiveJournal, Orkut, and others
>  Ni> were used much anymore.
> Remember when the "If you don't like how our platform is run, start your
> own" saying?
> Well, several started.  MeWe is sort of like Facebook.  Gab is sort of like
> Twitter.  Rumble and BitChute are like YouTube.  I'm sure there are more,
> but those are the ones I use.

that's happened with everything. that's why there's so many programming languages.   only the strong survive.

twitter and fb stuck around through all this because they were strong and there's more people on them.

speaking of gab, i can't get them to send me my pw reset. my account is there but never works.
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