Subj : Re: the nothing to hide a
To   : Jazzy J
From : Boraxman
Date : Mon Mar 14 2022 01:12 pm

-=> Jazzy J wrote to Boraxman <=-

JJ> @MSGID: <[email protected]>
JJ> @REPLY: <[email protected]>
-=> Quoting Boraxman to Ogg <=-
JJ> I totally agree. We don't expect privacy so it isn't an issue for many
JJ> people.

JJ> I'm a quad, and I have Amazon Services throughout the house. For
JJ> myself, the abdication of my privacy isn't a convenience, it is how I
JJ> can be as independent as I can.

JJ> Security v. Freedom is a lofty argument. The more something is secure,
JJ> the less freedom we have. Many people forget this and want 100% of
JJ> both. Well, there is nothing that is ever 100% secure nor is there
JJ> anything that is ever 100% free -- I think of how much a "free" dog
JJ> costs in medical bills after the fact.

JJ> The best someone can do is strive to strike a balance between the two.

JJ> However, for most people, they don't understand the concept of IoT and
JJ> never update their TVs, refrigerators, toasters, you name it. Whatever
JJ> they have in their LANs that pull an IP is vulnerable and a security
JJ> risk.

JJ> People also don't value their information. They don't understand that
JJ> the myriad of trash they are getting in their email or twit feed, etc.
JJ> is largely their own making.

JJ> Before we can increase electronic security, we need the public to be
JJ> educated on what electronic security touches. I think the average
JJ> person would be confounded and overwhelmed with some of the specifics.

JJ> Jazzy J

Who is going to educate the public though?  There is no real incentive for the
companies selling these products to do it, in fact, they would thrive of
ignorance and lack of knowledge, as people would default to just purchasing
something to fix a problem.

I think people don't care because they don't want to have to fight, or be
inconvenienced.  So instead they try to rationalise away giving away their
privacy and control.

I'm not optimistic about where technology and our relationship is going, not at

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