Subj : Re: the nothing to hide a
To   : Vk3jed
From : Andre
Date : Fri Mar 04 2022 05:41 am

 Re: Re: the nothing to hide a
 By: Vk3jed to Nightfox on Fri Mar 04 2022 06:55 pm

Ni>> thought pretty much everyone with internet at home would be using a
Ni>> router, and I thought NAT a standard feature of a router for some
Ni>> level of protection.

Vk> NAT != security. You've fallen for the big myth that NAT is somehow more
Vk> secure. All it does is screw up some protocols (FTP anyone?), and puts
Vk> arbitrary limits on incoming traffic (2 BBSs on the same port, NO WAY!).

You're both conflating NAT and PAT, and neither of them screw up protocols. Stateful firewalls screw up protocols if they're misconfigured and not tracking the full conversation.

Vk> ;) iptables on Linux does an excellent job

The only thing IPTABLES is good at is that it's stable and free. It's archaic and damn near useless for anything other than port blocking and logging traffic.

- Andre

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