Subj : demise of FB w/FF and w/Opera
To   : Ogg
From : Nightfox
Date : Wed Oct 27 2021 09:32 am

 Re: demise of FB w/FF and w/Opera
 By: Ogg to All on Tue Oct 26 2021 08:49 pm

Og> Well.. It has finally come to pass. Facebook doesn't operate
Og> 100% with FireFox 52.8.0 or Opera 36.

Og> The dynamics required to start a message in the Messenger panel
Og> for replies doesn't work. The cursor might sit blinking in the
Og> message field, but there is no reponse with keystrokes.

It might not be a sign of demise for Facebook.  I have a feeling Facebook (like other companies) probably focus more on their mobile app rather than making sure their web site works 100% for desktop users, unfortunately.  I've noticed even their web site these days seems more optimized for mobile use.  If I make my web browser window bigger on the screen, I think it looks a little weird - The news feed takes up a fixed-width center column, with some links on the left and contacts on the right.  If you have a big monitor and maximize the browser window, there's a lot of empty space on the page.


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