Subj : Heh, you are necroing an old thread
To   : Arelor
From : Nightfox
Date : Fri Oct 15 2021 09:48 am

 Re: Heh, you are necroing an old thread
 By: Arelor to Ogg on Mon Sep 06 2021 06:23 am

Ar> There is no hard rule for defining what is necro and what is not. I think
Ar> something is necro when it happens long after interest on the thread has
Ar> waned.

What I think is funny/odd is, if someone starts a new thread about the same topic, that's fine.  But some people seem to get annoyed when someone responds to another thread about the same topic if it's a somewhat old thread.  I guess we shouldn't assume the original poster is still interested (but maybe they are).  But if people can start new threads, I don't see why it should be such a big deal to respond to other threads regarding the same topic.


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