Subj : Re: Telegram chat(s)
To   : MRO
From : DaiTengu
Date : Thu Sep 30 2021 02:39 pm

 Re: Re: Telegram chat(s)
 By: MRO to DaiTengu on Thu Sep 23 2021 03:37 am

MR> i think someone just posted it on the internet. he has paid people for it
MR> in the past, or so he says so he thinks he owns it. he said he paid
MR> clawson money for it and he got an asm dump. pcmike looked at the
MR> paperwork and the signatures were all computer generated. he would talk
MR> about it on irc and i'd go back in the logs and catch him lying so who
MR> knows what the truth is.

Philippe got back to me.

"Yes, it's legit, he "bought" the rights from Jeff Reeder, former employee of Telegrafix. Although I have my doubts about who actually had the rights to ProBoard after Pat died."

So there we go.  It's probably not worth persuing, although I do wonder how much that nutjob paid for it.

I mean, he looks like he lives in a trailer park, so it can't be much...


... Don't drink and park; accidents cause people.

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