Subj : SignalTech wifi booster - Sounds suspicious
To   : marymitch
From : Nightfox
Date : Wed Sep 08 2021 08:46 am

 Re: SignalTech wifi booster - Sounds suspicious
 By: marymitch to Nightfox on Wed Sep 08 2021 12:10 am

ma> Well, that's probably true. Several of my friends noticed the significant

It would be good to quote what you're replying to.  What's probably true?

ma> services. But do they have any right to slow down the internet manually? I
ma> don't think so. So maybe it's better to use VPN or proxies in this case?
ma> I've found at a review about a
ma> good VPN that can be a solution to this problem. At least, I guess so.

Using a VPN won't increase your internet speed.  If your internet speed is being limited by your ISP or is limited by your router, something like a VPN isn't going to help.

If anything, a VPN slows you down a bit, because with a VPN, your internet traffic gets routed through additional servers.


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