Subj : SignalTech wifi booster -
To   : Brian Rogers
From : Nightfox
Date : Tue Aug 24 2021 01:44 pm

 Re: SignalTech wifi booster -
 By: Brian Rogers to Arelor on Tue Aug 24 2021 09:27 am

Ar>> If the ISP wanted to throttle your Internet connection for any
Ar>> reason, they would do it on their end and not from the router you
Ar>> have in your premises. ISPs are fully aware power users deploy their
Ar>> own routers.

BR> That's not always the case. Having worked at several ISPs you'd be
BR> surprised at how many rely on the CPE (Customer Premise Equipment... aka:
BR> router) to do some of the rate (speed) shaping for them. This is why some
BR> of the ISPs insist you purchase your router through them OR a similar
BR> router in which they've already had a backdoor manufactured for them to
BR> use to adjust your speed and other settings.

I was with an ISP that gave you a router, and they said they could perform diagnostics with it.  But we could also use our own router.  That ISP has since been acquired by another company, and it seems they're okay with customers having their own router.  I have my own router I bought and flashed DD-WRT firmware on it, and it's working fine.

BR> While it may not always be the case, it is with some. It sounds to me like
BR> this one particular manufacturer is betting the farm per sale that every
BR> ISP does this.

Even if an ISP throttles speed via the customer's router, I don't see how a wifi repeater could override that and give you full internet speed.


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