Subj : Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
To   : MRO
From : Andeddu
Date : Sun Jul 18 2021 08:21 pm

 Re: Re: KICQ as an "Old New I
 By: MRO to Arelor on Sat Jul 17 2021 04:37 pm

>  > But well, I suppose BBS are not viable since they are unknown to the
>  > wider population XD
> it's not really that they are unknown.  the problem is they suck and nobody
> wants to use one.  if you show someone a bbs, they dont want to use it. they
> have no reason to use it.

There's also an entry barrier as BBSes are much more complicated to use than
websites like Reddit, Facebook or other forums. The only reason I learned about
the BBS scene is because I have a few oldie 80s computers I like to use online
which is a fairly niche reason to be on in the first place.

A lot of new users pop their heads in to see what the 80s internet was all
about before going back onto the regular modern internet.

� Synchronet � BBS for Amstrad computer users including CPC, PPC and PCW!