Subj : Honda Grom (125cc minimoto) Motorcycle
To   : Digital Man
From : deon
Date : Wed Feb 28 2024 09:49 am

 Re: Honda Grom (125cc minimoto) Motorcycle
 By: Digital Man to All on Mon Feb 26 2024 05:46 pm


> Anyone else own a Grom or other motorcycle you ride often?

For me, not any more :(

I used to own a Suzuki GSXR 600 - and I loved riding that bike.

When I owned it, there were no tolls on highways (because toll cameras took a photo at the front, and bikes didnt have a front number plate), and in Melbourne you could park *anywhere*, as long as you didnt disrupt vehicles or pedestrians. So I used to ride to work and park on the footpath (sidewalk) - no parking charges :)

Getting to work via a car was a 60 min drive (for 17klm), but on the bike it was 20ish. Lane splitting/filtering made all the difference.

In the 6 years that I had that bike, I only had 1 car driver, who to this day dont know why he was upset - but he did try hard to block me lane splitting at lights (sped around me a to block me, horn blaring). Once I figured out what he was doing, I just zoomed off between the traffic.

I used to visit a friend and a customer that was 200klm away, and riding the bike there was awesome. It was too easy to get over 150klm/hr - so I had to watch my speed (speed limit was 110 back then if I recall).

Certainly the onus is on the bike rider for safety - you need to learn to read car drivers, and I had good advice from a couple of courses I did, and it did save me once when I predicted (and it did) that a limo would cross a road when I was doing 100klm/hr. Had I not backed off early, I probably wouldnt have lost the bike that day and more.


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