Subj : [Photography] Kodak Retina IIIc
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From : Margaerynne
Date : Tue Jul 04 2023 10:09 pm

So the lady got the urge to take up photography with a vintage camera, and we stumbled across an old Retina IIIc
in a thrift store.

Now obviously anyone who knows about it would tell us that's a stupid first pick, and the age will make servicing
it nearly impossible for a complete beginner. But we didn't have such great advice when we bought it, so now we
have a probably-broken camera in parts across our table, desperately trying to fix it.

Personally I want to cut our losses and start with something less finicky, but it seems we're committed now.

Guess I'll have to play along until we put it back together, and then we can maybe consider something else?

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