Subj : If replacing VHS copies...
To   : Arelor
From : MRO
Date : Sat Sep 18 2021 10:58 pm

 Re: If replacing VHS copies...
 By: Arelor to Ogg on Sat Sep 18 2021 11:33 am

> Yes, but often the DVD does nto give you the option to skip the added
> scenes.
> Thsi is specially bad in SPanish releases because often times, the Spanish
> voice actors are no longer available for the voiceovers, so the additional
> scenes get dubbed by different voice actors than the rest of the movie and
> it sucks sucks sucks.

they always mess with the releases.  i've seen a movie and then seen it later on dvd and it's missing a scene or it has added scenes.  i havent seen it in a while, but it happens.  when i've seen it, i have no idea why they do it. it doesnt contribute anything.
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