Subj : Re: Turntables and LPs
To   : Ogg
From : Atroxi
Date : Wed Aug 18 2021 07:50 pm

Hey Ogg,

-=> Ogg wrote to Atroxi <=-

Og> Hello Atroxi!

Og> ** On Saturday 14.08.21 - 12:58, Atroxi wrote to Ogg:

A>> .. It's an old Sansui P-L51 and its
A>> main issue was with its old stylus and a gnawed ground cable.

Og> [...]

A> I've been looking around and it seems that I can get the
A> stylus for this model quite easily but the cartridge
A> assembly might be a tad difficult to get.

Og> And.. I just noticed that the model is a linear-tracking
Og> design. Those always intrigued me.  And, it's a direct-drive
Og> machine. Always wanted one of those!

Yeah, they are quite fun to use as well! Albeit you can't really
manually move the stylus as with other turntables and you can't
change the slip mat since the linear tracking relies on it being
that exact slip mat. Luckily mine still hasn't disintegrated so
it's still working great.

Og> What I primarily subscribe to was the bayonet type mount system
Og> for the cartridge assembly.

Og> My last remain working system is a woodgrain Pioneer PL-A35.  I
Og> love the arm/cartridge balancing system. It reminds me of a
Og> steampunk world.

Just looked it up. Man that does evoke some steampunk vibes.

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