Subj : Re: Turntables and LPs
To   : Ogg
From : Atroxi
Date : Sat Aug 14 2021 12:58 pm

Hi Ogg!

-=> Ogg wrote to Atroxi <=-

Og> Hello Atroxi!

Og> ** On Thursday 15.07.21 - 20:57, Atroxi wrote to All:

A> .. It's an old Sansui P-L51 and its
A> main issue was with its old stylus and a gnawed ground cable.

A> Other than that, it still works nicely. Albeit the records that
A> that I have are skipping a lot because of that old stylus.

A> I'm just wondering if there's anyone here who are also into LPs
A> and maybe I could get some advice on keeping and maintaining
A> these things.

Og> Get a new stylus/cartridge, first thing!

Og> It's much better to just get a needle-cartridge "set" than
Og> trying to muck around fitting just a stylus.

Og> From my experience, a new stylus is recommended after a few
Og> hundred-hours of play.

Og> Enjoy!

Thanks! I've been looking around and it seems that I can get the stylus for
model quite easily but the cartridge assembly might be a tad difficult to get.

I'll look around more, but thanks for the advice!

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