Subj : Fountain Pens & Notebooks
From : Atroxi
Date : Thu Apr 01 2021 11:58 am

AT> Lately I've been getting into the habit of writing and journalling
AT> again. The first time that I did that was when I taught myself the
AT> skill of making notebooks. Now, however, it's because of fountain pens.

AT> I'm just wondering whether there are people around here that are also
AT> into fountain pens or making notebooks. I figured that it would be
AT> a nice to have a chat about it.

JA> My wife 'collects' pens. :-) She has different pens for journaling,
JA> bible study, work, note taking, etc.

That's interesting. I'm trying to resist the urge of buying more pens
than I need at the moment. For now, I have four. I hope that stays that
way. Haha!

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