Subj : Re: boardgames
To   : Arelor
From : Darkman Almighty
Date : Fri Mar 05 2021 04:59 pm

Ar> My friends gave me Dead of Winter as a birthday gift last year.
Ar> Actually, the self-playable expansion.
Ar> I have yet to try it. However, I think it has a fatal flaw as a game.
Ar> See, when
Ar> you are a traitor and try to screw the group up
Ar> during a crisis, you put forward a card. The problem is all the cards
Ar> have an identifier that determines where they were picked
Ar> from. So if you used a car picked from the Police Station, the group
Ar> will zero you out very quickly because chances are not
Ar> many people has been able to source cards from the Police Station during
Ar> the game (for example).
Ar> Any opinion regarding whether this is an issue during normal play?
Oh yes, nice. Theres a self-playable? wow. I seem to recall the game play including a traitor.. and it will take a number of turns before anyone will have a clue. If you play with people who are used to being deceived in games, they can figure it out quicker. It's also your actions that will give you away. Fun game though.