Subj : Re: boardgames
To   : hollowone
From : Darkman Almighty
Date : Sun Feb 28 2021 11:21 am

ho> I played and experimented with Tabletop 2-3 years ago a lot with friends.
ho> Mostly playing MtG and then some more rare CCG that are not physically
ho> available anyhow (or for reasonable price, like Blood Wars or METW).
ho> Then switched to Battletech and with this one we just made DYI maps and
ho> printed robots, found some rules in the attic and added custom ones for
ho> the real games and we still play it.
ho> What's your fav on Tabletop to play, perhaps you can convince me to
ho> rediscover the app.

I'm sure with everyone in lockdown there has been a number of apps made available. My fav tabletop and in real life.. Pandemic. LOL even before the pandemic too. At some point, we will try some the expansions for it. I don't own any games, all my friends do so I just play what they have. Dead of winter is another one but you need a few people with that. Add discord chat and you're laughing.