Subj : Re: boardgames
From : Darkman Almighty
Date : Fri Feb 12 2021 06:47 pm

JA>  DA> there you can load up libraries of different boardgames. So far, play
JA>  DA> Pandemic (of course), Jaipur, Formula 1 and Fire Rescue. Anyone play
JA>  DA> with this?
JA> Absolutely! Love it! I've actually made a few mods and uploaded them to
JA> the workshop...

Awesome, yes, there is quite the list in there. I just find its a good way to still connect with friends... nothing of course beats the face to face in the same room. Previous months, we had been playing Gloomhaven, thats a pretty intense turn based RPG type game. I do miss those nights at the table.. 3 hours later.