Subj : Re: Quarantine projects
To   : Ogg
From : Daryl Stout
Date : Mon Jun 08 2020 09:39 am

Og> Maybe circumstances arise that preclude buying equipment.

 Such as the price of gear. <G> Several years ago, there was a rig at the
Hamvention...described as "DC To Daylight" for $20,000!! Now, I could outfit
a nice shack for $20,000...but for one rig, that's overkill.

 That's why I operate "internet radio"...$1150 a month on disability does
not go very far.

Og> Maybe some people just want the challenge of taking the test (with some
Og> notion of possibly getting on air at an open-ended time) and nothing
Og> more.

 Now, if they have job or family commitments, that's understandable.

Og> I have a family friend who is still a very active ham operator now in
Og> his 90's.  VE3IWY.  I *know* that he has been eager for me to get a
Og> license. His collection of radio equipment is very interesting. We
Og> share many interests in computer stuff. I know that he would have taken
Og> to packet radio just for the experience had he learned about it sooner.

 I bought a TNC at the Memphis Hamfest in 1998, and it sat in the closet
for 2-4 years. I still have it, but no rig to work with it. Otherwise, I
could possibly set up a packet radio door on the BBS.

Og> Good to see you back online.

 I'm trying to finish computer work in advance of the remnants of Tropical
Storm Cristobal, so I'll be offline until sometime Tuesday.

Daryl, WX4QZ

... Boycott shampoo. Demand real poo.
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