Subj : Quarantine projects
To   : Jamestyree
From : Randers
Date : Mon May 04 2020 03:39 pm

 Re: Quarantine projects
 By: Jamestyree to Randers on Sun May 03 2020 08:50 pm

> I asked because I have always wondered how difficult it would be.  I'm a C#
> developer by profession so I feel like that's a nice head start.  I'm sure
> there are lots communication standards to learn, protocol wise, but once you
> have the basic routines written, the rest of it would fall into place.
> Sorry you lost the code.  :(  Been there...

If I did it now, I'd be using Python. There are some terminal servers in Python
that could be adapted to become BBS Software without too much difficulty. I
think the hard part wouldbe the protocols and standards as you said, which are
all from the 90s. Getting around those would be tough, but imagine if you could
write software that is one click ready for Fidonet and other mail networks....

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