Subj : Re: Turning Life Arou 1/2
From : Daryl Stout
Date : Thu Apr 16 2020 09:40 am

M>Well Daryl, that's a lot of unfortunate stuff that happened to you all in a
M>short period of time.

 What was your first clue??

M>Let all those difficult memories get clouded-up by any positive things that
M>happened during those times. Obviously it will be hard to outweigh all the
M>sad stuff, but those few nice things that happened (you didn't mention any
M>but there has to be some) are the things you should focus on a bit more.

 From September, 2006 to September, 2007...I lost my grandmother-in-law
(dropped dead), my Dad (pancreatic cancer), my wife (heart attack)
best man (cancer), and nearly lost my brother in a freak motorcycle
wreck. The only good thing that happened was that I used a deal called
HamTestOnline to upgrade my ham radio license from Technician to General
in 14 days, then General to Amateur Extra 13 days later. It was the best
money I ever spent in amateur radio. I did it mainly to become what is
known as a Volunteer Examiner to give and grade the license exams. I did
this after Morse Code was no longer required for a ham radio license in
the United States...and it has been the most rewarding thing I've ever
done in ham radio.

 At one session, a husband, his wife, and their two sons, came in to
take the entry level exam (the Technician License), and all 4 passed
their tests!! It was a joy to sign the documents saying they had
passed...but we joked "they were going to fight over the radio". <G>
However, the funny part was that Dad and his 2 sons had the right change
for the exam fee ($15), but all Momma had was a $100 bill. When she said
that, the liaison at the time, quipped "I think you just passed"...the
whole room busted out in laughter. But, several others were testing that
day, and we had petty cash, so we were able to help her out.

 He had been hinting at wanting to get out of being a liaison, and I,
having being recently accredited as a Volunteer Examiner, asked him if
he'd like to take over, and he said one word..."PLEASE!!". Sadly, he
passed away from pancreatic cancer several years ago...the same thing
that killed my Dad and his sister.

 In the time from the loss of my Dad, until my Mom got sick...we went
on several trips to the Clive Cussler Collectors Society Convention.
He's a world famous fiction adventure writer...with titles like Arctic
Drift, Raise The Titantic, Poseidon's Arrow, among many others...we had
a ball. Clive established the National Underwater Marine Agency (NUMA),
looking for and doing research on shipwrecks. He wanted to find the
wreck of the Bon Homme Richard, the ship used by John Paul Jones, who
uttered the words "I have not yet begun to fight"...and as far as I
know, he never did.

 Anyway, for several years (they don't do it anymore), they had a
raffle for a DOXA divers watch (good to 100 meters)...and rather
expensive ($2500). Anyway, one of the members, Tom Gwinn, was always
saying "I still do NOT have a Doxa". Well, with the help of a former
employer (silkscreen printing), and permission from Dr. Pete Millar, we
got a picture of a DOXA watch on a T-shirt. Above the watch, it said "I
had hoped to win a Doxa for my wrist..." -- and below it, "But, this is
what I ended up with". <G> Only myself, my Mom (we were co-conspirators
in this <G>), Wayne and Kristi Valero, Bruce and Debbie Canfield, Rob
and Liz Sansom, and Dr. Pete Millar, knew about this.

 The late Wayne Valero (he died of a rare brain disease a few years
ago, he was only 58 years old) was long time president of the
organization, and loved being in the limelight. Well, he really "laid it
on thick" with leading up to the presentation. It went something like

Wayne: A lot of people are going to be very mad, at what I'm about to
do. But, something happened, that hardly anyone in this room knows
about. But, a DOXA, did come to this convention!!


<begin the undertone grumbling> <G>

Wayne: However, I'm not going to raffle it off. Instead, I've decided to
give it to one person...the one person in this room, more deserving than
anyone else of a DOXA. Would Tom Gwinn please come up here??

 By this time, the undertone grumbling was at a fever pitch ("What
makes him so special??", etc.). Well, there was some laughter and
applause, then here's Tom...on his hands and kness (looking like an
absolute fool!), on the well sanded wooden stage (the event had a
Hawaiian theme, lai's, hula dancers, grass skirts, and all), and he said
"Praise The Lord!!". <G>

 He walks toward the podium, grinning like the cat who swallowed the
canary. Then, the look on his face like "What The Hell??", as Wayne goes
to get the shirt. Then realizing what it was, Tom turns away, as if to
say "Oh, $h!+". At this point, Wayne holds up the shirt to the entire
room...and it erupts into this loud scream, followed by raucous
laughter, and a ton of smart-@$$ remarks (guilty as charged)!! <BG>

 As he comes back toward the stage, seemingly emotionally crushed,
everyone's yelling "Read It!!", and he says "I can't read!!". The room
gets dead quiet as he read it, and it resulted in another round of

(Continued to next message)
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