Subj : Re: Quarantine projects
To   : Moondog
From : Dr. What
Date : Sat Mar 28 2020 09:18 am

-=> Moondog wrote to Dr. What <=-

Mo> The Tandy sounds like fun.  I've been watching Adrian Blacks' Youtube
Mo> channel and he has shown some cool Tandy videos.

Mo> Recently I picked up a Pi 4 and considered moving over several tasks I
Mo> use an Athlon X2 5000 for. It's my previous main system and it's
Mo> running Ubuntu and acts as a file share, document scanning station, and
Mo> runs Guitarix well enough with low latency. While I'll probably keep
Mo> using the 5000 for heavier tasks, I could get by with using a Pi for
Mo> document scanning and things I wantto keep off my Win10 box.

The Tandy 1400LT is working well.  I didn't have the right power supply, but I
got close enough to fire it up for a bit.
The screen is good.  The floppy drives both work.
I took it apart and inspected the insides.  The backup battery is not leaking
(but it's on the list to replace soon).
I gave it a good cleaning and the correct power supply should be here today.
Hopefully, I can play with it this weekend.

I'm working on a Pi4 project too.  I picked up a Raspberry Pi cluster rack from
Etsy and I'm building a new server for the house.  4 2.5" hard drives.  The Pi4
will be the file/media server.  There's even enough room in the rack for a cold
standby Pi4 and a sandbox Pi3 with its own hard drive.

I found that a Pi is able to power 1 2.5" hard drive (with SATA to USB adaptor)
but not 2.  For my server, I put a powered USB hub to run the hard drives.

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