Subj : Re: Quarantine projects
To   : Moondog
From : Weatherman
Date : Tue Mar 24 2020 11:57 pm

-=> Moondog wrote to All <=-

Mo> @MSGID: <[email protected]>
Mo> @TZ: c12c
Mo> For those who are considered non-essential or cannot partake in normal
Mo> communi ty events, what have you been doing to stay occupied?

Mo> One project I've been working on is making wall hung paper boxes to
Mo> place mail in after the junk mail has been sorted out.  My brother
Mo> rents from me, so when the mail is brought to the house, it's been
Mo> going in two piles on the kitchen table.  The two inboxes will work
Mo> better, since there's no chance something could be set on top of the
Mo> mail, or a letter can be accidentally tossed out with other
Mo> advertisement paper.

Mo> Another has been updating the lighting on my light duty hobby /
Mo> workbench.  i would like to put a bright LED bar on a swing arm to
Mo> adjust where light is needed.  There's an old magnifier lamp at my
Mo> father's house in the basement, a nd it would be a perfect host to have
Mo> the flourescent ring bulb replaced with LED strips.

Mo> ---

I've got a slight rise in the middle of my range out on the south field.  I'm
thinking I'm going to try to take some earth out of that rise and move it to
the berm that makes up the backstop.  It's at about the 30 yard mark and causes
me to have to put the target at 100 yards up a little higher than I like.  I
figure if I can take two or two and a half feed out of that rise I can lower my
targets at 100 yards and not have to worry so much about shots going long.

Once that's done, I figure a few hundred rounds through the Garand and then a
similar number through the M1 carbine just to get them sighted in.  Then a
couple of ARs that need to be sighted in and broken in, and then for fun my

THEN I'll have some brass and a good excuse to spend some time reloading...


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