Subj : Train collection / Magazi
To   : HusTler
From : Nightfox
Date : Mon Dec 30 2019 01:43 pm

 Re: Train collection / Magazi
 By: HusTler to Nightfox on Mon Dec 30 2019 10:03 am

Hu> Have you been able to check out the new iphones with 3 cameras? I'm
Hu> curious what kind of quality pics they take.

I haven't seen those yet.  But I know recent model iPhones seem to take pretty good photos.  It seems smartphone cameras are getting pretty good, but I still think there are probably some things that a dedicated camera can do better, such as zooming, since a smartphone just doesn't have much room for a zoom lens mechnism.

Hu> So you just drop off your
Hu> memory card at walgreens/walmart? That's incredible. They do give it back
Hu> right? Or are there desposable memory cards now? ;-)

You don't even have drop off a card and come back.  Many places I've seen have computers where you can plug in a memory card and select which photos you want to have printed, and they can print them right then.  And with Walgreens, you don't even have to bring in a card if you don't want to - You can go to Walgreens' web site from home and upload the photos you want printed.


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