Subj : Re: Hobbies?
To   : HusTler
From : Nightfox
Date : Tue Jun 11 2019 04:57 pm

 Re: Re: Hobbies?
 By: HusTler to Dumas Walker on Mon Jun 10 2019 08:19 pm

>>>However, I have gained an interest in drone flying and aerial
>>>photography.  Got a cheap Chinese drone to play with.  Fun to fly, but

DW>> I have thought some about getting one of those for whenever I go on
DW>> light house trips. That is about the only time I think I would use
DW>> it, though. Well, and maybe to look at things on my roof. :)

Hu> I'd love to get one of those but I'd probably get myself in trouble with
Hu> it. Would I be able to spy on my one of my neighbors in the shower? I
Hu> don't understand how them things are legal to be honest but they sure look
Hu> like fun!

I don't think spying on neighbors would be a commonly expected use case for a
drone.  That probably falls into being a peeping tom, which is a separate
category and could be done in other ways besides using a drone..  There are
plenty of people who would want to use a drone for aerial photography, which
(as far as I know) is not illegal in and of itself.

