Subj : Re: Hobbies?
To   : VK3JED
From : Dumas Walker
Date : Mon Jun 10 2019 07:02 pm

>However, I have gained an interest in drone flying and aerial photography.  Got
>a cheap Chinese drone to play with.  Fun to fly, but has a number of issues.
>The camera quality isn't too bad though, but without any stabilisation, the
>best way to use it is to get it in position, then start shooting video.
>Vertical motion could be done without disturbing the camera too much, but
>horizontal motion would cause jerkiness when the drone starts or stops moving.

I have thought some about getting one of those for whenever I go on light
house trips.  That is about the only time I think I would use it, though.
Well, and maybe to look at things on my roof.  :)
