To   : Skylar
From : Dr. What
Date : Mon Apr 22 2024 07:28 am

-=> Skylar wrote to Dr. What <=-

Sk> I don't agree. Granted, I never used a compiler that conformed strictly
Sk> to Nicholas' original design. Even the Pascal compiler in college (on
Sk> VAX/VMS) had extensions and allowed the use of pointers.

Being able to use pointers is not a good example.
Could you treat pointers are a number and add to it and change where it's
pointing to?  Nope.
In Pascal, all you could do is use the pointer to get at the data it was
pointing to.

Sk> Nearly all of
Sk> my Pascal experience is with Turbo Pascal and Delphi.

For me, it was originally Univac Pascal then Turbo Pascal.  Once I got to my
"higher level" CS cources, we moved to C - but we were also doing compiler and
operating system construction at that level.

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