Subj : Hello
To   : MRO
From : Dumas Walker
Date : Fri Jan 19 2024 09:40 am

> i'm just suprised you grown men don't know how to look up obituaries.
> you know you are old and people are dying.

I think we know how... google them... but don't really know what to do if
we don't find any results.

My mother was trying to locate one of her aunts a couple of years ago.  We
used to keep in touch with this aunt via my mother's sister, who had since
distanced herself from the family.

The aunt in question had no children for mom to contact, but my mother was
able to find the retirement community her aunt had been living in via an
internet search and called there.  She found out that her aunt had been
dead for about a year.

Whoever the aunt designated as her contact person had not bothered to let the
rest of the family know, and there was no obit to be found.  My internet
stalker sister was assisting mom in the search so if there had been one to
find I am sure she'd have found it.

Sometimes people are going to croak and no one is going to know.

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