Subj : Video rental store to shut its doors after 40 years in business
To   : Digital Man
From : Nightfox
Date : Thu Apr 04 2024 12:58 pm

 Re: Video rental store to shut its doors after 40 years in business
 By: Digital Man to MRO on Thu Apr 04 2024 10:43 am

DM> And when you paid like $20/each for most of those DVDs that watched maybe
DM> only one time, you feel like you'd be throwing away something of value.
DM> But... not really. Donate them in that case.

I only buy movies & shows I really like, and which I will probably watch more than once.  So my collection isn't really very big, and I don't mind keeping them around.  I don't watch them very often, and it's usually a while before I watch a movie again, but sometimes I do watch them again.

Years ago (around 2003 or 2004), I had started to collect DVDs that I realized I probably wouldn't watch again, and I sold a bunch of them on eBay (and that was back when it was fairly easy to sell DVDs).  I haven't really thought about those ones since then, so it's probably good I sold them.

And currently there isn't much that I regularly watch on any streaming services, so I feel like I can't really justify spending money to subscribe to them.  One exception is actually YouTube - Sometimes I randomly like to check out what's on YouTube and have foudn some interesting things there, and have subscribed to a few peoples' channels.  I like watching the LGR guy sometimes (he posts videos of retro PC stuff), and there are some YouTube channels I've found where they regularly post videos about guitars & the music industry & such, which I find interesting sometimes.


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