Subj : Magazine Subscriptions
To   : Margaerynne
From : Arelor
Date : Wed Apr 03 2024 02:42 am

 Re: Magazine Subscriptions
 By: Margaerynne to All on Tue Apr 02 2024 09:08 pm

>  Is anyone here subscribed to any good monthly/quarterly magazines?
>  I was thinking about getting a Clarkesworld of F&SF sub, partially for the
> feel of it and partially to keep up with  what's current in sf, but I
> haven't actually bought a magazine in 10+ years

FULL DISCLOSURE: I am a contractor for Linux New Media.

Yes, I am subscribed to Linux Magazine. It is a monthly publication, and each issue packs a whole lot of content (100 pages). The articles cover a variety of FOSS topics of interest for power users and professionals. You will find a bit of everything, from distro reviews to in-depth tutorials for building infrastructure services, passing through basic shell tutorials and coding and maker projects.

ADMIN Magazine is ok but it targets a very specific audience. "For this very simple proof of concept, you will need two servers worth 2000 USD each and the list of accessories in Table 1" :-P


My relationship with printed literary publications is not great, but for what is worth:

Fantasy and Science Fiction Magazine is very hit and miss. It virtually has no heroic or high fantasy (to be honest, barely any publication does). I don't think you can't go very wrong with this one, but to be honest, with the ammount of story submissions they get (in the order of 700-900 per month) I suspect they could be publishing better stuff. When Finlay was in charge I had the feeling it worked like a mafia in which Finlay's friends would get published no-matter what. Don't take it too seriously because it was just a hunch, but I remember it being issues in which some awful author would count for a extremely high percentage of the tales within (in some cases up to 100%).

The Asimov magazine, it pains me to tell, is junk. As in, you could not pay me to be published there. You'd get maybe 1 awesome short tale and then the rest of the stories would range from mediocre to toilet paper  in a given issue. There is absolutely no excuse for this.

The Grantville Gazettes deserves a special mention. They used to have an annex section in which they would publish fantasy and scfi military fiction. I never got to read it but I remember them buying stories that were quite average and passing on very good stuff. They had an open process for accepting submitted stories so you could see which stuff was getting accepted and which stuff was getting rejected in the open back in the day.


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