Subj : Video rental store to shut its doors after 40 years in business
To   : MRO
From : Nightfox
Date : Tue Apr 02 2024 09:25 am

 Re: Video rental store to shut its doors after 40 years in business
 By: MRO to Nightfox on Mon Apr 01 2024 10:21 pm

MR> Well eventually nobody will be buying physical media.  It's so much easier
MR> to go get it via a streaming service.  People are getting past the phase
MR> of owning something that will just take up space.

That's something I don't really agree with.  While it's easier to get via streaming, streaming services often remove content from their services.  Lately I've seen more and more people complain online about this, and I've seen people say they've actually started buying more physical media because they're tired of streaming services removing content they want to watch.  Or, content may be initially included with your service, and suddenly they start charging a 'rental' fee to watch it.  I've also heard some (rare) cases where people have bought a movie on a streaming service and it was later removed at some point.

Also, if you care, physical media offers a lot better visual & audio quality than streaming.

I still like to buy physical media for stuff I really like, so that I own it and don't have to worry about it disappearing.  And I have a media server at home, and I tend to rip my stuff and put it on my media server so it can be more easily watched.  Best of both worlds.


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