Subj : Re: Video rental store to shut its doors after 40 years in business
To   : fusion
From : Arelor
Date : Tue Apr 02 2024 07:18 am

 Re: Re: Video rental store to shut its doors after 40 years in business
 By: fusion to Arelor on Mon Apr 01 2024 09:54 pm

> someday your TV will include AI to automatically correct the "wrong think"
> in old movies too! they do already run software on many of those TVs to
> "watch" what you watch and report it somewhere.

I take good care of my multimedia equipment so I will keep using the same TV for decades. I have an start TV but it has no Internet connectivity. My tendency is to place stupid smartisms that need network access in a separate VLAN anyway.

> seriously though.. i think they just hate money. we're at a point where you
> could ask a kid about modern movies and they'd say "they keep remaking old
> stuff." worse yet they don't have any sort of nostalgia connection to it, so
> the whole thing is wasted on them anyways. they basically made

Sure they like money. The problem is that making a movie is so expensive that taking risks is dangerous. It is like big videogame studios. If a game flops they get dangerously close to bankrupcy. Therefore, they tend to play it safe. Movies are the same, except I think moves that used to be safe are failing.

The fact there ios media overload does not help. Back in the day you had a dozen movies on your shelf and went to the cinema three times a year, so you valued the few films you got to experience. Now you fire up a streaming service and you have 900000 movies at your disposal, all of them looking very samey, and you just don't care as you used to. Then a gain, much like videogames.

> i duno. plenty people still make cool stuff here and there.. just not huge
> awesome cool stuff.. heh

There is a whole lot of cool stuff but nowadays you find most of it out of Hollywood. There are independent Americans, but also Asians experimenting with new stuff. A lot of it sucks but sinde they are taking risks they actually produce nice things every now and then.


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