Subj : superhero shit
To   : MRO
From : Android8675
Date : Tue Nov 28 2023 09:19 am

> It's like the zombie shit they played out years ago.

Zombie movies are great. Army of the Dead was great, then the prequel Army of
Thieves, great. I could watch Mila Jovovich forever.

> and now they are trying to milk starwars.

What's the common denominator with hero films and Star Wars? Disney. Talk about
a company that has completely lost touch with their founder's vision. Even the
new movie Wish is just a pile of uncreative nonsense that still manages to
"reimagine" old Disney tropes into more of the same ole same ole. I get the
whole inclusivity movement, but I feel like it's causing some issues at the
house of mouse.

But don't get me wrong, I don't think I'll ever be tired of superhero stuff, if
my random comic collection is any indicator, I'll never be done with the
superhero genre. Across the Spiderverse (which went managed to go full
inclusivity, but wasn't shitty, because you cared about the characters), and
the newest TMNT were both amazing! They can milk a genre for as much as they
want, as long as they take risks and hire good writers, I'll never be tired.

With the exception of Andor (amazing compared to other just about anything else
Star Wars related last year), Star Wars needs help. Dave Filony (sp?) was hired
as CCO for Star Wars stuff at Disney. He won't have his hand on everything, but
at least he can pull the plug if shit goes off the rails. Gotta get Katherine
(I think that's her) out of the drivers seat. That b-word knows nothing about
making movies.

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