Subj : superhero shit
To   : Ewing
From : Tracker1
Date : Mon Sep 11 2023 08:43 pm

 Re: superhero shit
 By: Ewing to Nightfox on Sat Sep 02 2023 08:09:07

Ew> They just feel all the same to me. Every other movie I've watched in the
Ew> Marvel category of late I've ended up tuning out and doing something else
Ew> - just leaving it on in the background.

They follow a very similar formula arch over the movies... the characters are slightly different but the pacing is much the same, and there's no real tention or risk in any of it.  If they did something different, leave the ending with a bad guy winning, or a character that actually grows, or someone of significance actually dying (I don't think Iron Man in infinity war quite counts since it's more of a one off that people knew was coming).

Ew> I've had Disney+ since it launched here in 2019 but just cancelled my
Ew> subscription as I haven't seen anything of note released for a while
Ew> that's not from Marvel.

You can't get Hulu without Disney+, but may be dropping that since we aren't using the Live TV feeds as much lately.

Michael J. Ryan
[email protected]

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