Subj : superhero shit
To   : MRO
From : Tracker1
Date : Mon Sep 11 2023 08:39 pm

 Re: superhero shit
 By: MRO to All on Fri Sep 01 2023 00:43:20

MR> Is everyone pretty much DONE with superhero movies and tv shows?
MR> It's like the zombie shit they played out years ago.

I don't think people are "DONE" with the content so much that most of the stories are very played out and formula driven. Disney/Marvel in particular are pretty bad about not creating any real tension or consequence (more below).

MR> and now they are trying to milk starwars.

An example of this, is that Disney/Lucas Star Wars has used a light saber through the gut a total of 4 times in recent TV and Movies, and the characters lived through it... this should simply not be the case...  It absolutely should be a fatal blow.  Hot plasma burning essential organs should mean death.  At least the got that right in Episode 1.  They removed consequences.

And while the Andor series was pretty good, and the first couple seasons of Mandalorean were good, the studio (Kennedy) just seems to have too much influence over the movies and series and compelling story is lost over "flawless" characters, or characters that don't learn.

Episode 4 of Ahsoka was better than the other three, but still not great.  Ray Stevenson is one of the few bright points in the series, and the only character who seems to match the stoicism the character should have.  Sabine and Hera don't match their animated counterparts at all and Ahsoka herself seems a bit off.  Savine, Hera and Ahsoka all seem to be stoic for no real reason, and lacking other character in order to hide any  potential character flaws, or ability to grow as parts.

I think there's still room for super hero and scifi driven stories, but they have to be good.  Have decent motivation, character development and work for it.  For as bad as Game of Thrones ended, at least they did interresting things, like killing off main characters through the seasons.  Disney seems absolutely incapable of this anymore.

Michael J. Ryan
[email protected]

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