Subj : When everything is digita
To   : Cougar428
From : Nightfox
Date : Wed Mar 01 2023 09:27 am

 Re: When everything is digita
 By: Cougar428 to NIGHTFOX on Wed Mar 01 2023 07:12 am

Ni>> I got my first CD player (a Sony Discman) in 1992, and I always
Ni>> thought the CD players I've had sounded good all the time.

Co> Discman, what about the Walkman? Cassettes have their own issues,
Co> but you could record the album and walk around listening to it.

Yes, I had a walkman before that.  I had a good number of cassettes and enjoyed using them and recording songs from the radio, etc.  I had a dual-cassete radio boombox at home for recording, but I really enjoyed having a cassette walkman too.


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