Subj : Re: When everything is digita
To   : Gamgee
From : Nightfox
Date : Mon Feb 27 2023 10:31 am

 Re: Re: When everything is digita
 By: Gamgee to Nightfox on Sun Feb 26 2023 09:34 pm

Ni>> Another problem with records is that there's more surface area
Ni>> toward the outer ege, which means there's less surface area for
Ni>> audio information as the needle moves toward the middle of the
Ni>> record, so the songs toward the outer edge will sound better than
Ni>> the songs toward the middle of the record.

Ga> Well...... it's really not because of "surface area". It's due to the
Ga> faster speed of travel of the vinyl under the stylus at the outer parts,

Yes, maybe I used the wrong phrasing..  But I think the outer edges of a disc move faster because the radius (and similarly surface area) is bigger there?  Sort of splitting hairs there, perhaps.

Ga> which makes it easier to encode the data accurately (because you have a
Ga> longer distance for a given section of sound).

Yes, that's the idea I was trying to convey. :)

Ga> Another factor is that
Ga> the angle of the stylus arm in relation to the groove gets more
Ga> pronounced as it gets toward the inner part of the record, thereby
Ga> introducing a form of distortion.

Ah, that makes sense.  I hadn't thought of that.


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