Subj : youtube stuff
To   : Charles Blackburn
From : MRO
Date : Thu Sep 15 2022 01:10 pm

 Re: youtube stuff
 By: Charles Blackburn to MRO on Thu Sep 15 2022 06:50 am

> oooh touch a nerve LOL... seriously though.. yea it was find considering the

no  you didnt touch a nerve. i didnt know what i was doing and i was using other people's programs. it must have been good for people to rip it off 1,000 times.

> date after all. heck, a decent length film takes a while to render on this
> machine too and it's not that old. but that's why i let them run over night
> and pray that winders doesnt decide to reboot in the middle of it lol

oh i have an old i7 and it can render a movie pretty quick.
you just need a good processor with a decent amount of memory.
there's no reason to even mess with video nowadays. you can just download what you want.

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