Subj : youtube stuff
To   : MRO
From : Charles Blackburn
Date : Thu Sep 15 2022 06:50 am

 Re: youtube stuff
 By: MRO to Pilotcab on Wed Sep 14 2022 23:15:00

>> yea, quality left a bit to be desired, but on the other side of the coin, in some ways it added to it.. you know..
>> grainy VHS style LOL
MR> well it's not THAT bad. i just used xvid and only 2 passes. back then there were limits.

oooh touch a nerve LOL... seriously though.. yea it was find considering the date after all. heck, a decent length film takes a while to render on this machine too and it's not that old. but that's why i let them run over night and pray that winders doesnt decide to reboot in the middle of it lol

Charles Blackburn
Aviation related fun @ IPV4 and IPV6
Coming soon: FSX-Net, FIDO-Net

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